Friday, May 2, 2014


"Experience is not what happens to you; it's what you do with what happens to you." Aldous Huxley

I have learned from my experiences. And I share with you a few more tips that helped me come to where I am at this point in time. In an earlier post I mentioned some things to think about when looking at a business. Here are just a few more of those things I've learned - the hard way, I might add.
  • look for a business that has been online for at least 5 years - it's not always a guarantee they will be around later. (I just recently saw a program go under after more than 10 years due to payment processing issues.)
  • how reputable is the admin?
  • can you email support easily to get your questions answered?
  • is there some transparency (ie is there company info available or is it 'hidden for privacy' - a big red flag).
  • can you get in touch with the team leader or potential sponsor?
When I started looking at TrafficWave for probably the 4th time it was with a team build called Team Atlantis. I had seen this team leader for several years in advertisements and I finally requested more info. It was not until I got some questions answered (maybe 6-7 emails back & forth) that I joined the team. It
was a great decision and now I am working to help my team.

The requirements are minimal:
  • $18 per month
  • 1,000 hits/ week to the team site (I'll help you and teach you how to do this)
  • a commitment to your self and YOUR BUSINESS
  • the desire
That's really about it. So get the info today. You have nothing to lose.

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