Ad Resources

There are literally thousands of places to advertise for free and most of those places also have upgrade (paid) options as well. I am listing only those that I use on a regular basis and have found to have affordable upgrade options and offer good value.

As a former text ad exchange owner I am a member of so many ad exchanges that I would go crazy trying to list them all here. I also am about the same way with safelists - too many to count.

Do not get overwhelmed by joining every new ad program that comes along. There are only so many you can utilize.

TopSurfer - Excellent Ad Resource. Has been online for about 10 years. Free option but for $10 per month you get a lot more perks. Like my bribe page. Payment direct to your paypal.

Simple Safelist - A good safelist with a safelist downline builder**. Free option but as an upgraded gold member you can earn 100% commissions. Payments paid out when commission reaches $20. Cost $12.95/month.

Earn Earn is another ad resource - offering text and banner advertising. Start with just $2 paid direct to you.

Cash in on Banners - Your banners displayed on thousands of pages. $10 payments direct to you. Your banners are rotated on your page and in the random banners spot as well.

TOAN offers unlimited text and banner advertising. You can start with a 15 day free trial and then it's only $19.95/month. It takes 3 members to break even and have your cost covered. Great way to test your ad headlines and copy. The key with this program is to post ads daily and renew the ones that have expired.

** Program has a downline builder. Do not get overwhelmed with joining all of them. It can take hours and you don't need that many any way. If you are already a member of the other programs then by all means add your id or referral url.

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