Monday, April 21, 2014


"It's fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure." Bill Gates

If your first attempts at an online business are not successful then learn from them. Pick up the pieces and move forward. Don't give up.

How often do we need to attempt something before we become successful. For most of us it is more than once. Think about it:
  • when you learned to swim were you good the first time...
  • was basketball second nature or did it take a few tries...
  • how about your new job? Did you get everything right the first day...
  • even learning to read took a few months or years...
So why then do we expect immediate riches when we start looking at online business? It is because we see the bling, the glitz, the empty promises that lure us to believe that we only need to join and success is ours for the taking.

Well the only thing that is being taken is your money and your time. Learn from those who have been down the road. It takes time, energy, consistent advertising, and yes, some money. It can and will happen but not if you bounce from one program to the next.

You've got to get focused on one or two programs. Build those to success and then add to your business portfolio.

If you have just $18 per month, a desire for success, a willingness to put in 12-24 months to build your business and can commit to doing just a few simple steps each day then check out our team build.

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